Bod incubator temperature software#
They are connected through Ethernet to state-of-the-art 21 CFR Part 11 ready software that provide tools for viewing, trending, alarm management, audit trails, MKT & many other such features so as to comply with regulatory guidelines.

The chambers are provided with a glass door for sample viewing & quick retrieval. Set temperature starts displaying on the lower display. Operating range of this BOD incubator is 20-25 o C and set the required temperature at 22.5 o C by up and down key. Gently press the SEL key to save the change. The chambers ensure consistent performance at any temperature within a range of 10☌ to 60 ☌ at an accuracy of ☐.5☌ & at an uniformity of ☑☌. 5.2 Setting the Incubator Temperature: The temperature controller has three SEL, and keys. Temperature setpoint selection with high/low temperature protection and simple calibration.
Bod incubator temperature series#
Exterior dimensions: 18.5 x 20 x 38.5 in (47 x 50.8 x 97.8 cm) Innovative peltier cooling technology. SBI-C Series Refrigerated BOD Incubator gives excellent incubation conditions below ambient temperature for bacterial, fungal, cell and tissue culture.

Media Prepartion & Culture growth at temperatures of 22.5☌ (☒.5☌) & 32.5☌ (☒.5☌) have become a standard practice in any Microbiology or ARD labs. New Precision low-temperature BOD refrigerated incubator (566 L unit) Energy efficient design, cooling can be switched off for temperatures above ambient with energy consumption as low as 0.1 kW at 37☌. Low Temperature Incubators are ideal for testing sewage and wastewater as well as other low room temperature applications. Biochemical oxygen demand (also known as BOD or biological oxygen demand) is an analytical parameter representing the amount of dissolved oxygen (DO) consumed by aerobic bacteria growing on the organic material present in a water sample at a specific temperature over a specific time period. Exterior dimensions: 30 x 31.5 x 33.5 in (76.2 x 80.01 x 85. A BOD incubator is also considered a refrigerated incubator or low-temperature incubator because it generates a temperature limit between 5 C to 60 C or. Low Temperature Incubators are ideal for testing sewage and wastewater as well as other low room temperature applications. A one amp interior outlet allows the use of shakers, stirrers, roller bottles or BODTrak apparatus. NEWTRONIC's BOD Incubators are ideal for the growth & storage of bacterial cultures, gentle incubation & conditioning and Media Preparation. Two 75 pound capacity shelves are included. Used in pharmaceutical, food, chemical, clinical.

stands for Bacteriological Oxygen Demand. BOD Incubators with humidity control were developed for demands that require exact temperature control. You can use the two different compartments for two different temperature set values.ī.O.D. Conduct applications that require temperatures ranging from -10 to +60C with Thermo Scientific Precision Low Temperature BOD Refrigerated Incubators. As part of our continous innovation program, we bring to you, the Dual B.O.D Incubator.